Non-venomous snakes. snakes, tortoises, rabbits, guinea pigs, reptiles, and many other exotics are becoming increasingly popular as pets. It’s no wonder, as exotic pets make excellent pets! However, these animals have unique needs and healthcare requirements that most first-time owners must understand for their well-being. For example, do you know the best food for your reptile, and how often they should be fed? Do you know how much UV light is optimal, and which type? Should you get a heat rock? Do you know how to tell if your reptile is sick? Do you have questions about proper cage cleaning or any other aspects of care and husbandry? Fortunately, the experienced doctors at All Pets Animal Hospital and Rehabilitation Center will provide your exotic pet with care at our clinic, and they will instruct you on how to meet their needs at your home.
Schedule a wellness visit at All Pets Animal Hospital and Rehabilitation Center for your exotic pet. We can perform a physical examination, answer any questions you may have about your pet, and discuss whether any changes in diet or at-home care are recommended to help ensure your pet’s health and longevity.
Veterinary medicine for exotic pets is growing as the popularity of these animals increases. When pet owners have access to the best information about nutritional and environmental management, exotic pets have a greater chance to live longer, healthier lives. If you own one of these unique pets, we encourage you to schedule a complete physical exam and consultation on proper care and feeding. Our compassionate veterinarians at All Pets Animal Hospital and Rehabilitation Center will assist you with all of your exotic pet needs. When scheduling your exotic pet's appointment, we do require a deposit equivalent to the examination fee. For a complete refund of the deposit, appointments must be canceled 24 hours prior to your stated arrival time.